Weaving: The Basics and Next Steps
Whether you are new to weaving or wanting to build on your foundational skills, there is a place for you here. In this hybrid class you will have ample opportunity to develop your skills as a weaver, regardless of experience. For the new weaver, you’ll have an opportunity to weave in rotation on several fully warped looms to develop your familiarity with the motions and touch involved in creating beautiful cloth.
In addition to weaving time, new weavers will learn to plan a project, make a warp, and dress a loom, hopefully having time to weave on that loom before the end of the course. Those with prior experience—“Next Step” weavers—will plan, make a warp, dress their loom and see their project through to completion, all with Lausanne’s support as needed. Since we most often learn by observing, in this hybrid class everyone benefits.
Class time will include occasional assignments, discussion of weekly handouts, and instructor presentations on topics that will further your understanding of the vast world of weaving. Next Step students are encouraged to keep a weaving journal and to provide a project plan prior to beginning their warp. For those who are ready, time will be spent reading and creating weaving drafts, both with pen and graph paper, and by an introduction to using a weaving draft program if desired.
Class time is supplemented by several Open Studio opportunities per week. Students accomplish more weaving and enjoy the benefits of practice if they are able to attend one or more of these.
Whether you are new to weaving, have former experience, or are fresh from one of Lausanne’s weaving classes here at the Craft School, you will find inspiration and room to grow and connect with other weavers.
Limited to 8