Create a bench and learn about sustainable forestry, wood properties and selection, milling and building in the process.
Forest to Furniture is a course that allows students to learn about the northern forest and to create a table or bench using wood sustainably harvested from Shelburne Farms.
We will kick off the course by visiting the woodlands at Shelburne Farms. We will explore natural history, discuss management, and learn not only about the importance of forest ecosystems but also their role in carbon sequestration. You will then carefully select your wood, harvested and milled at Shelburne Farms, based on the properties of the wood and your planned use for your finished product. A simple, locally sourced and prepared meal will be shared. The rest of the course takes place at the Craft School where you will build your beautiful bench.
This course is in memory of Marshall Webb who loved the forests of Shelburne Farms and the woodshed of Shelburne Craft School.